GTEN Ball Screw RSH Type

Ball Screw RSH

GTEN RSH ball screw is RSH miniature (None flange Single nut) Ball Screw,and it is the most common type of screws used in industrial machinery and precision machines. Gten ballscrew provide quality rsu ballscrew.

RSH Type Unit:mm
Model Dimensions
d I Da D A B L n Ca(Kgf) Coa(Kgf)
12H2-1.5 12 12.7 2.381 29.5 M25X1.5P 12 50 A1 397 445
16H5-3.5 16 5.08 3.175 25.4 15/16″X16un 12.7 43.43 C1 1348 1745